When you run sudo in Ubuntu, your administrative privileges last for 15 minutes by default so you don't have to type in your password with every command. If that is too long or short for your

run a sudo command, specifying the password on the same A better solution if you want to run something with sudo without putting in your password is to allow your user to do exactly that one command without password. Open sudoers file with sudo visudo and add the following line (obviously replace the username at the beginning and the command at the end): Raspberry Pi Changing Default User Password by theurbanpenguin Nov 25, 2013 openSUSE community - default root password The first thing I would do is log in as a user and see if sudo -s would yield a shell (as root), then set root's password. Then I'd take the first user out of the admin group. Whatever the default password is for any system has the same risk, they are publicly known. It doesn't matter how complex they are. What is the default root password for OSx? | MacRumors Forums

By default, sudo needs that a user authenticates using a password before running a command. Some times you may need to run a command with root privileges, but you do not want to type a password using sudo command. This is useful for scripting or any other purpose. This can be achieved by editing /etc/sudoers file and setting up correct entries.

Password. At installation time, you are asked whether you want to use the root account or not. If you want to (the default), you'll be asked to provide a complex password for root.Use a strong one! If not, no root account is enabled and the password of the first user created will be used for administration tasks. crosh sudo password unknown - Pixel Slate Community If so you'll have to first access the Developer Console on VT2 and login as user 'root' with the default password 'test0000' or one you entered during the setup.Then you need to run 'chromeos-setdevpasswd' and enter a password for user 'chronos'.Once that's done when you enter a shell you'll be prompted for the 'chronos' password each time but you can then use 'sudo -i' or any other bash shell

Apr 10, 2019

The auth config file is a list of authentication rules. Scroll down the file until you locate the first line displaying the postgres user in the third column (if such a line exists). Uncomment the line if necessary (remove the semicolon), or otherwise if the line is missing entirely, add the following line to the top of the file and save your changes: Whenever you run a command with sudo, you will be prompted to enter the sudo password. For the subsequent commands that run shortly after first sudo command, you don't have to enter the password, even if they require sudo privileges. This is because sudo remembers your password for 15 minutes by default.