www.stunnel.org Stunnel 是一个 自由的 跨平台 软件,用于提供全局的 TLS/SSL 服务。 针对本身无法进行TLS或SSL通信的客户端及服务器,Stunnel可提供加密安全连接。

I second this. sTunnel is quite useful to disguise an SSH/VPN connection as a normal HTTPS connection, which most ISP/firewall will not reject since it will disrupt almost all users way too much. sTunnel is open source under GPL, so could someone please make it portable? Here about 30 popular multiplatform SSL, stunnel sites such as stunnel.org (Stunnel: Home). The best 3 similar sites: openvpn.net, qualys.com, tightvnc.com. cd /etc/stunnel openssl genrsa -out stunnel.key 2048 openssl req -new -key stunnel.key -out stunnel.csr openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in stunnel.csr -signkey stunnel.key -out stunnel.crt cat stunnel.crt stunnel.key > stunnel.pem chmod 640 stunnel.key stunnel.pem Reverse dependencies ( 0 ) Reverse dependencies are Solaris packages that depends on stunnel. For more information on using encryption of data in transit, see Mounting EFS File Systems.. Enabling Online Certificate Status Protocol. In order to maximize file system availability in the event that the CA is not reachable from your VPC, the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is not enabled by default when you choose to encrypt data in transit. Nov 17, 2014 · Chasing that eternally moving target that is an A+ from Qualys’ SSL scanner? Well, you’ve found the correct Blog! I’ve been testing again whilst also looking at the effect of FIPS compatible ciphers. Loadbalancer.org has lots of government customers using FIPS compliance mode, so it makes sense

Download the stunnel installer from www.stunnel.org; Run the installer or extract the files from into a folder using a tool such as 7zip on the Eggplant Functional system. Also install or copy the stunnel files onto the SUT (or you can use a shared network folder). The installation folder will contain an example stunnel.conf file.

See also the Stunnel.org website. Client configuration. Download CAcert certificate. Take your CAcert in PKCS12 format (with both the public and the private key in it) and convert it to a PEM format certificate with OpenSSL: openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -in cacert.p12 -out mycert.pem. Move mycert.pem to your Stunnel configuration directory. Jul 17, 2013 · Introduction A problem has arisen recently in a project implementation. The vendor supplied software cannot use LDAPS to query our LDAP servers over a secure connection. They only support the clea… Nov 22, 2019 · stunnel overview Short description The stunnel program is designed to work as an SSL encryption wrapper between remote client and local (inetd-startable) or remote servers.

So I am using stunnel to talk to a SSL server. I would like to see the messages I am sending before they get encrypted and more importantly the messages I am receiving after they get decrypted.

Nibbler tested www.stunnel.org and gave it an overall score of 7.0 out of 10. This website is rated highly for Technology but wasn't so good at Marketing.